by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky
Book Review by Ed Ladd
Today, around the world, as countries are trying to reopen, the push, the need, the call for a return to normalcy echoes loudly each day. There is a visceral yearning to return to pre-Covid-19 living conditions. The mantra of almost everyone is: “let’s return to normal.” And as people seek to return to a life that was and grieve that sense of loss for that “normalcy” in their lives, they begin to struggle with this sense of loss. This reluctance to accept a changed world, and the natural resistance that will occur due to this disruption created by the pandemic is exactly why the need for “adaptive leadership,” as described by Heifetz and Linsky in Leadership on the Line, is an essential read for all current heads of school.In a minefield of change and challenges, this is the one book that all of our leaders should read and heed.
Not since the seismic shift of 9/11 has our need for leadership been so great nor the perils and challenges of leadership been so dramatic. Click here for the Book Review: Leadership on the Line