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The Academy for International School Heads has three broad membership categories:
Individual, Associate and Supporting.

Individual membership is available to any current or past Head of School or Deputy Head of School receiving full access to all of the Academy's services. There are also a number of concession options available to those that qualify in this category which enable the annual membership fee to be reduced (Heads in Transition and Retired Heads). Associate membership is for aspiring school leaders to enable them to access a range of the AISH services. Supporting membership enables organizations and companies who provide services to International Schools to support AISH and have access to our membership.

Once you become an AISH member, Jeffrey Paulson, our CEO, will contact you and invite you to a Zoom meeting to learn how AISH can help you. With our new Associate Members, a group that is growing, Jeff will meet with you and then assign you a Mentor if you would like that to happen.




Enjoy free attendance at OASIS Day and AISH’s annual meeting, a professional development opportunity in February each year, that features topics on the cutting edge of learning and leading. Summer Seminar, AISH’s signature event in July, includes five days in a retreat setting where you can develop your leadership skills and connect with colleagues.

At the New & Aspiring Heads Institute, you can develop the skills you need for the Headship, as well as gain insight into the process of acquiring a position. Online resources include access to thousands of surveys provided by International School Heads in AISH’s private, members’ only resource bank.

Our online Leadership series provides courses based on AISH's Leadership Resource and Standards of Excellence for the International School Head.



AISHnet is AISH’s members’ only private forum which enables you to ask questions and gain advice from trusted colleagues.

AISH’s Leadership Resource/ Standards of Excellence for the International School Head, provides a research-based approach to growth and development. The Standards can be used for self-assessment and goal setting as well as an evaluation tool.



AISH advocates for International School Heads on issues of significance for individuals as well as groups. Advocating takes the form of coaching, arranging forums for dialogue, endorsements of products and services, and providing written support.



AISH collaborates with other international organizations to provide services.

The Leadership Mentoring & Coaching program was jointly developed with the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE).

AISH was a founding member of the International Task Force for Child Protection (ITFCP) which addresses the notion that joint initiatives are proven ways to get the best results.

AISH is a Supportive Member of Regional Organizations in the world for the advancement of international education including EARCOS, MAIS, ECIS, Tri-Association, AMISA, AISA and TAISI. We participate in conferences and workshops provided by these organizations and support their professional learning initiatives.



The Individual Membership is open to current and former International School Heads and Deputy/Assistant Heads.

  • Annual Membership Fee: $595 USD
  • Valid: 1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025
  • Multiple year memberships are available.


Access to the AISHnet Forum and Resource Library, plus:
  • Discounts on AISH events, including the online Leadership Series, Institutes, and Seminars.
  • Free attendance at the annual OASIS Day.
  • Monthly newsletter with updates and resources.
  • And more. . . 

Member Registration


If you are a Head of a small, underfunded international School, you may qualify for a reduced membership fee for $200 for one year. 

We aim to serve International School Heads, advocating and offering support and professional learning. By participating on AISHnet and having access to AISH’s Resource Library, Heads at small, underfunded schools will get answers to leadership questions and learn about innovative practices at schools worldwide. 

We understand that many schools pay the individual membership fee for Heads and that support may be limited in small schools that are underfunded. If this is your situation, please contact the AISH office for more information: 


If you are a fully “retired” Head of an International School (not currently employed), or a Head in transition, we would like you to remain in the AISH community! Membership is available to you for a reduced fee of $300/year for Retirees. Contact to apply. 

We welcome you to serve as mentors in the Leadership Mentoring & Coaching program and to provide insightful responses to questions posted on AISHnet. 

Please email the AISH office at for more information about how to be involved. 




Associate Membership Conditions:

Individuals in a key school administrative role at a K-12 institution, at least on the level of divisional principal, may apply for Associate Membership in AISH.


  • Annual Membership Fee: $350 USD
  • Access to monthly AISH publications such as Neighborhood News
  • Option of an appointed mentor/coach from the AISH membership
  • Invitation to OASIS Day
  • Career counseling/coaching
  • Support in resume preparedness
  • Discount on AISH Leadership Series courses and other AISH professional development courses.



  • AISHnet Forum access
  • AISH Resource Library
  • Full voting rights
  • Summer Seminar
Contact for an application. 




    The Supporting Membership is open to organizations that provide services and support to International School Heads and their communities.

    • Annual Supporting Membership Fee: $750 USD
    • Valid 1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025
    • Multiple year memberships are available.

    Contact to join!  


    Your organization will be highlighted to all AISH members on the members only website in a banner on our home page and on the Supporting Members page with a link to your website. Plus, each month, a Supporting Member is featured in an interview/article in Neighborhood News.


    Your organization’s logo is displayed on AISH's external and member home page with a link to your website. Your organization is listed in AISH publications for all conferences and seminars. You are also able to provide members with flyers and materials from your organization at these functions.


    You can attend selected Academy events, including the annual meeting. And, you are offered the option of sponsoring a speaker or activity at one of AISH’s events.