Book Review by Ed Ladd
I pick books to review for AISH by reading reviews, exploring writers, and by being intrigued by book titles that explore leadership or the challenge of change in schools. For the most part, this search process has resulted in the discovery of some excellent books that challenge my thinking, ignite new ideas about leadership or change initiatives, and create some excitement to share a book with others. Thomas Hatch’s The Education We Need for a Future We Can’t Predict appeared to be such a book with rave sound bites from esteemed educators like Michael Fullan who claims, “You won’t find a better book on system change in education…” But I have to admit that I have not had the same experience with this book.
Thomas Hatch is a professor at Teachers College, Columbia University and a director of the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching. He certainly has the credentials for writing about school change, and I was particularly excited that this was a book written during the Pandemic.
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