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Become an AISH Member Today

Elevate your leadership journey with AISH. Enjoy exclusive access to professional learning, advocacy efforts, support, and endless opportunities for collaboration.

Join us and be part of a community that was created, and still lives by the motto, “By Heads, For Heads” —where leadership counts and every head has the opportunity to excel.

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Why Join?

The Academy of International School Heads (AISH) is the only worldwide organization founded “By Heads, For Heads” and dedicated exclusively to heads of international schools, focusing on creating a community where educational leadership thrives. 

AISH offers a space for heads to connect and grow through tailored professional development opportunities and a strong support network.

Elsa & Mark

With AISH, you're never alone; currently our membership represents 110 countries, providing a diverse and dynamic forum for collaboration, mentorship, and innovation in international school leadership. 

Your AISH membership allows you to engage with an expansive array of resources, including professional seminars, leadership series, and an enhanced online presence, designed to keep you at the forefront of educational leadership.

Celebrating 25 years of peer-driven excellence,
AISH continues to evolve, ensuring that our community of current
and aspiring International School Heads remains engaged, supported,
and well-equipped to shape the future of education worldwide.



Individual Membership

The Individual Membership is open to current and former International School Heads and Deputy/Assistant Heads.

  • Annual Membership Fee: $595 USD
  • Valid: 1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025
  • Multiple year memberships are available.


Access to the AISHnet Forum and Resource Library, plus:

  • Discounts on AISH events, including the online Leadership Series, Institutes, and Seminars.
  • Free attendance at the annual OASIS Day.
  • Monthly newsletter with updates and resources.
  • And more. . . 

Sign Up Now


Associate Membership

Associate Membership Conditions:

Individuals in a key school administrative role at a K-12 institution, at least on the level of divisional principal, may apply for Associate Membership in AISH.


  • Annual Membership Fee: $350 USD
  • Access to monthly AISH publications such as Neighborhood News
  • Option of an appointed mentor/coach from the AISH membership
  • Invitation to OASIS Day
  • Career counseling/coaching
  • Support in resume preparedness
  • Discount on AISH Leadership Series courses and other AISH professional development courses.

 Sign Up Now

Reduced Membership Fee for Small, Underfunded Schools


If you are a Head of a small, underfunded international School, you may qualify for a reduced membership fee for $200 for one year. 

We aim to serve International School Heads, advocating and offering support and professional learning. By participating on AISHnet and having access to AISH’s Resource Library, Heads at small, underfunded schools will get answers to leadership questions and learn about innovative practices at schools worldwide. 

We understand that many schools pay the individual membership fee for Heads and that support may be limited in small schools that are underfunded.  

Sign Up Now

Reduced Membership Fee for Retired Heads 

If you are a fully “retired” Head of an International School (not currently employed), or a Head in transition, we would like you to remain in the AISH community! Membership is available to you for a reduced fee of $300/year for Retirees. Contact to apply. 

We welcome you to serve as mentors in the Leadership Mentoring & Coaching program and to provide insightful responses to questions posted on AISHnet. 

Sign Up Now 


Corporate Membership - The AISH Network

Why should your organization join the AISH Network?

By joining, you position your organization at the forefront of international education and leadership. Members are vetted to represent top-of-class across a range of expertise areas as full, reciprocal, and supporting members.  Other benefits include:

  • Exclusive Access: Connect with decision-makers and international school heads and leaders from more than 100 countries.

  • Enhanced Visibility: Elevate your organization’s profile within the international school community, establishing yourself as a key player in the field.

  • Professional Development: Participate in a learning environment that prizes engagement, innovation, and the continuous growth of its members.

Please join us! Should you see alignment with your organization’s goals, please contact Jeff Paulson, AISH CEO, at


AISH Network Membership


The AISH NetworkMembership is open to organizations that provide services and support to International School Heads and their communities.


Contact to join! 


Your organization will be highlighted on our home page with a link to your website. Plus, each month, a rotation of our Network Members are featured in an interview/article in the Neighborhood News.


Your organization’s logo is displayed on AISH's external and member home page with a link to your website. Your organization is listed in AISH publications for all conferences and seminars. You are also able to provide members with flyers and materials from your organization at these functions.


You can attend selected Academy events, including the annual meeting. And, you are offered the option of sponsoring a speaker or activity at one of AISH’s events.