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HomeAISH Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Learning and leading together to support the needs of International School Heads.

Graded Group Talk


The Academy for International School Heads (AISH)
a dynamic organization dedicated to fostering
collaboration, growth, and excellence
within the realm of international school leadership.

At AISH, we believe in the power of
learning and leading together to support
the professional needs of international school heads.

Professional Learning

Fostering continuous growth of our members
and their communities through professional
development, consulting, and coaching services
related to the goals and challenges of leadership
in international schools.

AJ5A5949 Chrissie Dan and Laurie
AJ5A5736 Sheena Elsa Caroline Sally


Collaborating within the AISH partner organizations,
engaging in inquiry, research, and generative
dialogue to share best practices and create new
understandings, ensuring that the organization
maintains currency and relevance. 


We will use our collective voice to shape the future
of international schools and the world of education
through meaningful change. We believe in engaging
with Heads to identify areas of need where AISH
advocacy will have positive and impactful results.

Table 2
IMG 4512-70 Barry

Leading Ethically

Establishing norms of ethical conduct among
International School Heads and leaders that guide
and empower AISH members to act with integrity
and exhibit exemplary leadership; establishing
trust and transparency in their communities as
exemplified in the AISH Leadership Standards.

Developing Intercultural

Building a membership that reflects the diversity
of the communities that we serve; expanding
access, inclusion, and equity for a diverse
membership. Strengthening intercultural
competencies as a key leadership skill in and
for our membership.

AJ5A5799 Jacinta Shelley
Rebecca, Tim & Andy Reflect

Supporting Wellbeing

Supporting our membership in their complex roles
to develop balanced lives for the Heads and the
community they lead, helping build a sustainable
way of working while attending to physical, mental
and emotional well-being.